Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Blue Water Diving would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Thanks for all of our friends, family, new divers, old divers and soon to be divers for the support over the last year. Hope to see you all again soon for more diving in Gran Canaria!

Happy Blowing Bubbles!

The Blue Water Diving team

More blog posts:

G.C. Marine Life

Nudibranchs factfile

Over the years Blue Water Diving has spotted and seen many different varieties of Nudibranchs, so we decide to write this short blog about a few nudibranch facts.‍ Nudibranchs are a group of sea slugs that have magnificent bright colors and are known around the world for that. There are really few restrictions to what colour these creatures can have. Mostly they are natives to more tropical waters but actually, 178 species have been described in Scandinavian waters.

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B.W.D. News

New Dive Centre in Gran Canaria

Hello world! We are a PADI Dive Centre based in Puerto Rico, Mogan, Gran Canaria. We offer fun and exciting adventures to all levels of divers. With our on site pool we can train beginner dives in a calm and relaxed environment.‍ We have Padi Instructors on site that have been training divers for over 15 years and have an excellent safety rating. Safety is top of our priority alongside fun and enjoyment.

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G.C. Marine Life

Gran Canarian Angel Sharks

As we see so many Angel Sharks whilst we dive in the Atlantic Ocean, around the coastline of Gran Canaria, here are a few facts about the amazing creatures we see. The Angelsharks are flat-bodied sharks, very ray-like. They bury themselves in the sand or mud with only the eyes and part of the top of the body exposed. They have a blunt snout and are camouflaged to blend into the sand and rocks of the ocean bed. They have long, wide fins that look like wings, giving it its name. It is also known as the monk shark, sand devil, and monkfish. Angelsharks are frequently caught for food.

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